Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

6th story'

Today, the first group who must presentated their Toefl book but just Bagas who coming this day because Adhi who has their data but maybe he got late. So Ms. Rella continue her teaching and waiting Adhi for come. Today our topic is TENSES. To be honest, tenses is my weakness in learning English. Almost when I'm in school until now. Tenses have 16 kinds and all of them almost got same name and same of their 'formula'. That's my problem with tenses. But Ms. Rella gave us trick for make it simple and easy to memorized them. Few minutes passed and Adhi come and the first group began their presentated. unfinished presentation, but Ms. Rella stopped them and rebuke them why them still got a problem in their Toefl book and Ms. Rella told them to fixed.

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